Browse Items (86 total)

  • Format is exactly "1 sound tape reel (Scotch 3M 208 polyester) : analog ; 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono. ; 7 in., 1/4 in. tape, 1 1/2 mil."

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth and Richard discuss real estate and the valuation of property in Vermont. Talks about people purchasing real estate and possessions on credit. Discusses state government and taxation. Discuss taxes and…

Position: 1144 (369 views)

Sound Recording Content Ambient: Horse being saddled and unsaddled (01:00-04:22). Horse drinking (04:38-06:34). Horse neigh (05:23). Unidentified sounds, walking, birds, rustling noises (06:34-07:27). Ducklings, unidentified sounds, birds, metal…

Position: 832 (427 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Richard asks Kenneth to tell him about his favorite season, Kenneth talks about Spring. 'The world weren't so fast, people didn't have to have everything, and everybody was practically happy. Geared it down to where…

Position: 407 (565 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth talks about how older people reflect more on the past. Talks about his health and pain and how it prevents him from working in the woods logging and sugaring. Tells stories of logging when he was younger…

Position: 662 (464 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Discusses his pension and taxes. Talks about the increasing cost of schools and his opinions about contemporary schooling. They discuss attachment to the land and the history of Kenneth's farm and his family. 'I…

Position: 620 (472 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Talks about how, without his soldier's pension, he would not be able to survive economically. Talks about his property and his attachment to it. Talks about his dreams--about horses he owned when he was young. Poetic…

Position: 823 (429 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Discusses marriage, age. Prices and increasing costs. Taxes and schooling. Class issues in Vermont--divide between farmers and white collar workers. Describes how he paid off farm in 1940s and vowed never to…

Position: 488 (522 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Government regulation. Maple sugaring. Changes in the timing of the maple sugaring season--it ends earlier than it used to. Used to run until May, now it runs until April. Describes carrying full sap buckets and…

Position: 510 (512 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses economics, property and taxation. Compares taxation in the 1920s to taxation in the 1970s. Describes what farmers used to do to pay taxes. Kenneth and Richard discuss real estate development in…

Position: 583 (482 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth describes haying the the challenges of haying depending on weather. Frustrations of his garden, potatoes in particular. Discusses brush and trees growing in, clearing land. 'They say the bugs and the trees…

Position: 642 (467 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth and Helen O'Donnell. Discuss deer hunting, tells several good deer hunting stories. Household water supply from wells and springs. Logging firewood and pulp. Wool industry in Vermont. Labor unions. Cotton…

Position: 354 (594 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth dicusses hard times, state jobs and economic problems. Discusses the impact of the Great Depression on his generation. Frugality. Describes how he helped people during the Great Depression and how his farm…

Position: 634 (469 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses livestock and challenges of raisng livestock. Discusses problems with animals after birth, differences between individual animals. Dog attacks on livestock and deer. Gardens. Flowers. Presence of…

Position: 715 (451 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Helen discusses the division of labor on the farm. Talks about her feelings about animal slaughter, taxes and land and hers and Kenneth's different degrees of attachment to the farm. Kenneth discribes his…

Position: 473 (530 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Helen discusses a late night telephone call they recieved and her suspicions as to who made it--a local man who is in the hospital in Boston. Richard explains his fear of late night phone calls. Kenneth discusses…

Position: 789 (436 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses cars he's owned, neighbors who trapped a large mud turtle, turtle fishing in Italy, and the South Family and North Family Shaker communtites. His father worked for the the North Family Shakers as…

Position: 620 (472 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth discusses cultural change, gasoline and oil prices, cars and electrification. Kenneth expresses that the change he most appreciates is electricity, and tells a story about electrification in the neighborhood.

Position: 419 (559 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth discusses farm life, vandalism and the content of his dreams.

Position: 722 (450 views)

Sound Recording Conten Interview: Helen O'Donnell describes her courtship and marraige to Kenneth. She discusses Kenneth, his habits and their relationship.

Position: 920 (409 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth describes relationships between neighbors regarding right of way, property, water and electricity. Maple syrup, sugar on snow. Tapping beech and birch trees as a source of utility water. Discusses tapping…

Position: 596 (480 views)

Output Formats

atom, csv, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2