Browse Items (86 total)

  • Format is exactly "1 sound tape reel (Scotch 3M 208 polyester) : analog ; 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono. ; 7 in., 1/4 in. tape, 1 1/2 mil."

Sound Recording Content Interview: Richard asks Kenneth to tell him about his favorite season, Kenneth talks about Spring. 'The world weren't so fast, people didn't have to have everything, and everybody was practically happy. Geared it down to where…

Position: 407 (565 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth and Richard discuss real estate and the valuation of property in Vermont. Talks about people purchasing real estate and possessions on credit. Discusses state government and taxation. Discuss taxes and…

Position: 1144 (369 views)

Sound Recording Content Ambient: Horse being saddled and unsaddled (01:00-04:22). Horse drinking (04:38-06:34). Horse neigh (05:23). Unidentified sounds, walking, birds, rustling noises (06:34-07:27). Ducklings, unidentified sounds, birds, metal…

Position: 832 (427 views)

Sound Recording ContentAmbient: Helen and Kenneth O'Donnell picking squash from their garden and placing them into metal pails.

Position: 1272 (341 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth and Helen discuss cooking, his health, mechanical problems with tractors, automobiles, winter weather, death, Christmas, Vermont ski industry, traverse sleds, skiing, snow plowing. Proverb: 'Green Christmas,…

Position: 459 (537 views)

Sound Recording ContentAmbient: Kenneth in barn showing calf. Interview: Sightings of panthers (aka cougar or catamount), lynx, coydogs, weasles, shotguns, deer hunting, posting, weather, Thanksgiving, game consumption--racoon, skunk.

Position: 708 (453 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: land use and ownership, right of way, placing electric and telephone lines across property, taxes, farm loans

Position: 1058 (384 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Discusses pickup trucks, cars, automotive repairs, number of gasoline stations in Chelsea in the past. Taxes. Houses and the condition of houses and barns. Chimney fires. Reusing old bricks to build chimmeys. Family…

Position: 975 (398 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses cars he's owned, neighbors who trapped a large mud turtle, turtle fishing in Italy, and the South Family and North Family Shaker communtites. His father worked for the the North Family Shakers as…

Position: 620 (472 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses livestock and challenges of raisng livestock. Discusses problems with animals after birth, differences between individual animals. Dog attacks on livestock and deer. Gardens. Flowers. Presence of…

Position: 715 (451 views)

Sound Recording Conten Interview: Helen O'Donnell describes her courtship and marraige to Kenneth. She discusses Kenneth, his habits and their relationship.

Position: 920 (409 views)

Sound Recording ContentAmbient: Pig butchering. Engine, water, hair scraping, cutting, metal pail.Interview: Economics of farming.

Position: 856 (420 views)

Sound Recording ContentAmbient: Farm sounds. Livestock bell, automobile, hinges, footsteps. Helen and Kenneth O'Donnell calling livestock. Pigs.

Position: 628 (470 views)

Sound Recording Content Ambient: Helen and Kenneth O'Donnell picking beans from their garden. Near the end of the recording, Richard Brick asks some questions about crops.

Position: 726 (449 views)

Output Formats

atom, csv, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2