Browse Items (86 total)

  • Format is exactly "1 sound tape reel (Scotch 3M 208 polyester) : analog ; 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono. ; 7 in., 1/4 in. tape, 1 1/2 mil."

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Discusses pickup trucks, cars, automotive repairs, number of gasoline stations in Chelsea in the past. Taxes. Houses and the condition of houses and barns. Chimney fires. Reusing old bricks to build chimmeys. Family…

Position: 974 (398 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: dog attacks on cattle, calf. Rifles and shotguns. Coydogs. Panther, catamount. Fishercats.

Position: 729 (448 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses using cornmeal to plug holes in a sap tank, and discovering someone used cornmeal to plug a hole in a Model T Ford radiator he used to own. Discusses food traditions. Discusses winter weather,…

Position: 654 (465 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: land use and ownership, right of way, placing electric and telephone lines across property, taxes, farm loans

Position: 1058 (384 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Raising livestock, livestock disease and illness, economics of rasing pigs, livestock processing

Position: 711 (452 views)

Sound Recording ContentAmbient: Kenneth in barn showing calf. Interview: Sightings of panthers (aka cougar or catamount), lynx, coydogs, weasles, shotguns, deer hunting, posting, weather, Thanksgiving, game consumption--racoon, skunk.

Position: 711 (452 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth and Helen discuss cooking, his health, mechanical problems with tractors, automobiles, winter weather, death, Christmas, Vermont ski industry, traverse sleds, skiing, snow plowing. Proverb: 'Green Christmas,…

Position: 459 (537 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth discusses maple sugaring, banks, loans, roads, snow plowing.

Position: 676 (459 views)

Scope and Content NoteTape is blank.

Position: 139 (753 views)

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