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  • Subject is exactly "Logging (LCSH)"

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth talks about how older people reflect more on the past. Talks about his health and pain and how it prevents him from working in the woods logging and sugaring. Tells stories of logging when he was younger…

Position: 662 (464 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses economics, property and taxation. Compares taxation in the 1920s to taxation in the 1970s. Describes what farmers used to do to pay taxes. Kenneth and Richard discuss real estate development in…

Position: 583 (482 views)

Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth and Helen O'Donnell. Discuss deer hunting, tells several good deer hunting stories. Household water supply from wells and springs. Logging firewood and pulp. Wool industry in Vermont. Labor unions. Cotton…

Position: 354 (594 views)

Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth explains the importance of a family photograph, talks about his family history. Father logger, killed when a spruce tree fell on him. Discusses logging, horses and his taking over the farm. Discusses his…

Position: 1088 (379 views)

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