Sound Recording Content Interview: Discusses marriage, age. Prices and increasing costs. Taxes and schooling. Class issues in Vermont--divide between farmers and white collar workers. Describes how he paid off farm in 1940s and vowed never to…
Sound Recording Content Interview: Government regulation. Maple sugaring. Changes in the timing of the maple sugaring season--it ends earlier than it used to. Used to run until May, now it runs until April. Describes carrying full sap buckets and…
Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth discusses economics, property and taxation. Compares taxation in the 1920s to taxation in the 1970s. Describes what farmers used to do to pay taxes. Kenneth and Richard discuss real estate development in…
Sound Recording Content Interview: Kenneth describes haying the the challenges of haying depending on weather. Frustrations of his garden, potatoes in particular. Discusses brush and trees growing in, clearing land. 'They say the bugs and the trees…
Sound Recording ContentInterview: Kenneth describes relationships between neighbors regarding right of way, property, water and electricity. Maple syrup, sugar on snow. Tapping beech and birch trees as a source of utility water. Discusses tapping…
Sound Recording ContentInterview: Discusses pickup trucks, cars, automotive repairs, number of gasoline stations in Chelsea in the past. Taxes. Houses and the condition of houses and barns. Chimney fires. Reusing old bricks to build chimmeys. Family…