AU2010-3146 -- Wild Track 19

Dublin Core


AU2010-3146 -- Wild Track 19


Sound Recording Content
Interview: Kenneth describes haying the the challenges of haying depending on weather. Frustrations of his garden, potatoes in particular. Discusses brush and trees growing in, clearing land. 'They say the bugs and the trees gonna rule the world. And I think they are. You take your place up there--if you move right off and didn't see it for five years, you wouldn't know it.' Discuss selling property. Discusses Great Depression. 'But just as sure as God made the little apples, they're not going to have any farmers here. All they're going to have is a bunch of brush, and they're going to depend on the Western farmers to feed them. And somebody's going hungry.' 'You can jump into a car--you can jump into your truck out here--and I can take you, and I can show you 10,000 acres that could be growing crops, but it ain't growing nothing--only weeds and bushes. Good land, too. And most of your farmers down in the valley--on your bottom land--they ain't raising anything to eat outside of milk. They're just dairy farmers, most of them. There ain't any reason why they can't raise plenty of stuff to eat. The land is the best here in Vermont. A little hard work, and you almost always get a season, get a crop here in Vermont. So people going to be hungry if they keep on.' Discusses his frustrations with foreign interests and the export of jobs abroad. Discusses self sufficency.


Richard Brick/Last Stand Farmer Collection -- VFC2003-0007. Vermont Folklife Center Archive, Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, Vermont, United States of America.


Audio recording copyright Richard Brick.








Brick, Richard (Interviewer) and O’Donnell, Kenneth (Interviewee), “AU2010-3146 -- Wild Track 19,” Vermont Folklife Center Digital Collections, accessed January 14, 2025,

Position: 616 (441 views)