Ô quel beau jour [first line] (AU1998-1074-015)
Dublin Core
“O quel beau jour “(“Oh what a beautiful day“) is a wedding day song, one of a many such songs of farewell and blessings which were sung by the bride to their parents. This particular song has a healthy dose of traditional attitudes about the role of a respectable French-Canadian bride, with promises of docile submission to her husband as well as her parents and in-laws. No documented sources for this song are known.
After singing this song, Alberta Gagné related that she had learned it from her sister Béatrice and that she (Alberta) sang it at her own wedding.
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First Line
Ô quel beau jour, embellir l'allégresse,
Hélas pour moi, combien il y a d'attrait,
Je suis sa femme mais non pas sa maîtresse,
Fidélité je le jure à jamais.
Et vous, bon père, bénissez votre fille,
Ah, nous voilà pour toujours réunis,
[Refrain] :
Toujours, toujours s'aimant avec tendresse
Oui, pour toujours nos vœux seront bénis. [repeat last two lines]
Ô quel beau jour que le ciel me destine,
En choisissant le plus aimable époux.
De deux mères aujourd'hui je suis la fille,
De les aimer je Ie jure à jamais.
Parents, amis, partagez notre ivresse
Ô nous voilà pour toujours réunis,
Faut que je quitte mon bon et tendre père,
Faut je le quitte mais non pas pour toujours.
Et vous ô bonne et vertueuse mère,
Il ne faut pas en avoir du regret.
Toujours, toujours vous voirez votre fille,
Toujours docile et soumise à vos lois.
C'est pour embellir votre famille,
En choisissant le plus aimable époux. [repeat last two lines]
AG: I sang at my wedding.
MP: Come again?
AG: The song I just sang. I sang it at my wedding.
MP: Ah, oui?
AG: Yeah, I learned it before. Your aunt Bea there...Aubine? She knew that song and...and she was singing it. I said "I want to learn that."
AG: So I sang it at my wedding. And after that I sang it at other weddings, but I didn't say me..you know. I said "Helas pour...pour...comment...combien il a d'attrait. Instead of saying for...for singing for myself,
AG: I sang for them, for the wedding. I sang it quite a few times.
AG: I don't know if you never heard it.
UV: I know my father—in-law sang a couple of songs ....
AG: I don't think he knew that one. No.
MP: (Unintelligible)
AG: Oh, yeah. He used to sing. He had a nice voice.
UV: He had a voice .... to sing... He could compare with those singers like
Mario Lanza and all them...He had a very good voice.
MP: .......
UV: He didn't need a microphone.
AG: oh, yeah.
UV: He had a strong voice. Me, now, I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow.
UV: ....... his daughter sings. Rita sings.....There's nobody else I know...
There's only Roma who ...... music...
Always, always, loving each other with tenderness,
Yes, forever our wishes will be blessed.
strophic, eight-line stanzas, three stanzas, one refrain.
Original Format
Position: 724 (363 views)