Par un beau jour [first line] (AU1998-1075-007)

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Par un beau jour [first line] (AU1998-1075-007)


Excerpt from interview of Alberta Gagné (TC1998-1075-007) by Martha Pellerin. Part of a project (VFC1998-0007) on Franco-American song in New England funded by the Vermont Folklife Center and undertaken by Pellerin. Interview is one in a series of six conducted between 1995-01-09 and 1995-12-06 as an effort to document the French language song repertoire of Gagné.

“Par un beau jour” (“One Fine Day”) is a traditional French ballad which dates back at least several hundred years. It has been documented in France, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Connecticut, Maine, and Indiana. It is one of a score of documented dialogue songs between a lovestruck daughter and one or both of her parents, who seldom share her enthusiasm, either for marriage, or her choice of suitor. In some versions of this song, the objection of the parent concerns the low social or economic status of the daughter’s beloved, who is a “plafonneur” (a plasterer) or a “bambocheur” (a party goer).

In 1945, Aurore Beaulé, daugher of Montreal-region fiddler and music store owner J. O. Lamadeleine (1880-1973), recorded this song on the Starr label with her father on fiddle and Marcel Madeleine on guitar (issue #16629, side B), with a text that is virtually identical to Alberta Gagné’s version.


One fine day I asked my mother “Do you know well the boy I love? He’s quite nice, all his affections are for me.” My mother, full of anger, says “No, you won’t get that little wastrel. We will marry you, make no mistake, to another young boy of good means.” I’ll go to the edge of the shore, to weep for my love and my enslavement; regretting the times passed, the sweet kisses he gave me.


VFC1998-0007 Martha Pellerin Collection. TC1998-1075 interview with Alberta Gagné. Vermont Folklife Center Archive, Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, Vermont, United States of America.



Copyright (c) Vermont Folklife Center


Full Interview: vfc1998-0005_tc1998-1075





Song Item Type Metadata

Supplied Title

Par un beau jour (first line)

Standard Title Reference

Le garçon de bien, III, C-7
Le garçon plafonneur, 914

First Line

Par un beau jour




Par un beau jour je demande à ma mère :

« Connaissez-vous bien le garçon que j'aime ? 

Celui que j'aime est bien gentil,

ll a pour moi toutes ses bonnes amitiés,

Celui que j'aime est bien gentil,

ll a pour moi toutes ses bonnes amitiés. »


Ma mère me dit, enragée de rage :

« Non, tu n'auras pas ce petit volage.

On t'mariera, ah oui, fort bien,

Avec un autre jeune garçon de bien.

On t'mariera, ah oui, fort bien,

Avec un autre jeune garçon de bien. »


Je m'en irai sur le bord du rivage,

Pleurer mon amour et mon esclavage.

En regrettant le temps passé,

Les doux baisers qu'mon amant m'a donné.

En regrettant le temps passé,

Les doux baisers qu'mon amant m'a donné




strophic, four-line verses, 3 verses


Original Format

sound cassette (analog)




“Par un beau jour [first line] (AU1998-1075-007),” Vermont Folklife Center Digital Collections, accessed October 17, 2024,

Position: 961 (291 views)