Hosley Photographic Series

Dublin Core


Hosley Photographic Series


Hosley Farm (photo #00587)


Dave and Cindy Hosley are young farmers, just starting out as part of a larger family farm enterprise. In the summer of 1991, they lived with their young daughter, Shannon. While I was making my extended portrait of their farm life, they had a second daughter, Morgan. Dave and Cindy, even early in their careers, manifest the same dedication to hard work, family life and their community. In the setting of a less technologically advanced dairy operation than the Leach Farm, they express an abiding interest in new developments. Like Howard and Freda Rogers, Dave and Cindy bear the farm labor burden together: Cindy is mainly responsible for milking, while Dave concentrates on fieldwork and acts as jack-of-all-trades in the barn." (Neil Rappaport)



“Hosley Photographic Series,” Pawlet Community Study (1890-1990), accessed September 22, 2024, https://vtfolklifearchive.org/pawlet/items/show/1479.